Please note that information on this site is dated, and presented here for historical interest.
New E-Forms site: https://oscargalaxy.org/
Current OSCAR EMR site: https://oscar-emr.com/oscar/
Current OSCAR BC site: https://oscarbc.ca/
OSCAR is a suite of electronic health applications including:
An Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system, designed by doctors, used by doctors and other front-line health care professionals.
- CAISI (Client Access to Integrated Services and Information): An integrator to facilitate the seamless flow of medical information in multi-site care.
- Read more: About OSCAR
- Read more: About upcoming software demonstrations, events and user-group meetings
OSCAR is a free open source software project:
- Read more: About Open Source Software
OSCAR is a national community of developers and technical support providers:
- Read more: About OSCAR Support Providers (OSPs)
- Read more: About OSCAR's Open Source Code of Ethical Conduct
OSCAR is a community of clinical EMR users from across Canada and around the world:
- We are OCUS, the OSCAR Canada Users Society. We are the people who use OSCAR to do our work, caring for patients. Welcome to our website, collaboratively maintained by volunteer members.
- Read more: About OCUS
- Read more: About what users say about OSCAR
OSCAR is a collaborative partnership:
- In the medical community we value our strong traditions of collegial sharing of clinical knowledge and expertise. As medical practitioners it seems natural to us to extend this collaborative approach to the IT tools we use to care for our patients. This is why we find the open source approach to Electronic Medical Records development and implementation to be such a good fit.
- And that's why we at the OSCAR Canada Users Society work together with the developers and support community, to make sure that OSCAR is, and always will remain, simply the finest EMR software no money can buy!
- Read more: About McMaster University's role in OSCAR development
- Read more: About us at OCUS, the Oscar Canada Users Society
OSCAR-CON VANCOUVER presentation slides:
Next event:
- Please refer to the new Worldoscar.org, OSCAR EMR and OSCAR BC sites for this information
Upcoming Meetings:
Previous meetings:
- Oscar mini conference #2 November 2017 - with special guests Dr. David Chan and Earl Wertheimer - more information here
- OSCAR CON User Workshop UBC Robson Square - Sat June 24 and Sun 25, 2017
- The 9th annual National OSCAR User Group Meeting and OCUS AGM took place in Toronto at the FMF on November 13th, 2015
- The Spring 2015 Ontario user group meeting was held on June 19, 2015 at the Stonechurch Family Health Centre in Hamilton, Ontario.
- OSCAR-CON 2015 was held in Vancouver in May 2015.
- The 8th annual National OSCAR User Group Meeting and OCUS AGM took place in Toronto at the OCFP Annual Scientific Assembly on Saturday November 29th, 2014
- OSCAR-CON 2014 was held in Vancouver in June 2014. Presentation slides available here.
- The Spring 2014 Ontario user group meeting was held on May 5, 2014 at the Stonechurch Family Health Centre in Hamilton, Ontario.
- The 5th annual Ontario user group meeting was held on November 29, 2013 at the Stonechurch Family Health Centre in Hamilton, Ontario.
- The 7th annual National OSCAR User Group Meeting and OCUS AGM took place in Vancouver at the Family Medicine Forum on Saturday November 9th, 2013
- OSCAR-CON 2013 was held in Vancouver in May 2013
- The 6th annual National OSCAR User Group Meeting took place in Toronto at the Family Medicine Forum on Saturday November 16th, 2012.
- The 4th Ontario user group meeting was held on November 2, 2012 at the Stonechurch Family Health Centre in Hamilton, Ontario.
- The first ever Quebec user group meeting was held in Montreal on September 20, 2012.
- The 3rd Ontario user group met on June 1, 2012 at the Stonechurch Family Health Centre in Hamilton, Ontario.
- Free Demonstration Evening in Vancouver (Flyer): For all folks interested in using or seeing OSCAR was held on the May 3rd 2012 at Vancouver General Hospital.
- BC user group and OCUS Meeting in Vancouver (Agenda): This is an annual 2 day users conference with updates, discussion of new features etc. held at the Paetzold Auditorium, Vancouver General Hospital.
- The National OSCAR User Group Meeting took place in Montreal at FMF on Saturday November 5th, 2011 it was a great success as always with many folks coming together to learn about and collaborate on this great EMR.
- The 2011 Ontario User Group Meeting was held Friday Oct 14th 2011.
National OCUS meeting in Toronto Nov 16, 2012
The BC OSCAR User Group Meeting 2010: Monday April 19th and Tuesday April 20, 2010
Paetzold Auditorium, Vancouver General Hospital
Video Archive can be found here
The First Ontario OSCAR Users Group gathered at the Stonechurch Family Health Centre, Hamilton, Ontario
OSCAR users gathered for The BC OSCAR User group meeting in Vancouver on March 27, 2009 where the 2009 BC OSCARs were awarded
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