OSCAR User Groups
OSCAR User-groups Roundup
- OSCAR Canada Users Society (OCUS): This is Canada's National OSCAR User Group
- OSCAR and CAISI mailing lists discussions / forums: OSCAR has a very active user community which participates in online discussions to help improve OSCAR software and the needs of the user community. All OSCAR and CAISI users and developers are encouraged to join and participate in a mailing list.
- OSCAR BC Users Group: OSCAR BC has an active user group that communicates regularly on a listserv, by monthly teleconference and regular meetings approximately every 6 months
- OSCAR - CAISI User Group: (Client Access to Integrated Services and Information) has extended OSCAR into a state of the art case management system and multi-agency integration system. Integration allows agencies using the OSCAR EMR or OSCAR-CAISI case
management to integrate care between separate installations or practices with client
consent. The project has active users who own and contribute to the
project. The case management software is used by hundreds of social workers, case managers, and other staff working in mental health and addiction
homeless service, violence against women services and agencies that care for those who are in conflict with the law.
- OSCAR Ontario User Group
- OSCAR New Brunswick: Gordon McDonald started an online forum for the cluster of OSCAR users in New Brunswick here.
- The "Ubunuts": Are a group for enthusiastic OSCAR users who use Ubuntu Linux on their workstations in their offices, at home......or anywhere!
- Also see these interesting OSCAR installations around the world
The OSCAR Awards!
To nominate someone in the OSCAR community for an award,
please send supporting information to the address below
Contact Us:
Please note that information on this page is dated, and is presented here for historical interest purposes.
This Society was disbanded again in early 2020. For current OSCAR related information please visit:
Current OSCAR BC site: https://oscarbc.ca/
Current OSCAR EMR site: https://oscar-emr.com/oscar/
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