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AutoHotKey, AutoKey and Text Expander Scripts

This is an area for users to share their AutoHotKey, AutoKey and Text Expander scripts and macros
Download AutoHotKey
AutoHotKey is an open source project for Windows users. It is a handy utility that allows for the creation of text macros, useful when entering text in any application, including into OSCAR. You need to download and install AutoHotKey on every Windows workstation computer. The AutoHotKey library of scripts and macros can be backed up centrally in your eDocs folder in OSCAR and run from there.
AutoHotKey Tutorial
A link to a handy tutorial to get you started using hotstrings/macros in AutoHotKey
Sample Text Macros (Hotstrings)
This script is to give you a taste of what you can do with AutoHotKey in your OSCAR text scroll. Install AutoHotKey from the link above on your Windows computer. Then run this script. Type the following phrase codes (hit space or ENTER after each code): zzcc zzfup zznote zzsig. Now open Notepad and start creating your own library of phrases in the format "::zzcode::This is where the text phrase goes" (without the inverted commas), and substitute your own initials for the "zz". Save the file to your desktop (or elsewhere) as "MyTextPhrases.ahk". Simply double click to run it with AutoHotKey (notice the little green H in your system tray indicating a running .ahk script)
BMI Calculator for AutoHotKey
This is a BMI calculator script shared by Peter Hutten-Czapski. Windows users: go to and download and run the exe Then save the attached .ahk file on your desktop Now double click it to run it, notice the little green "H" in the task-bar Example of use: Open your favourite test patient's chart in OSCAR, put your cursor in the text scroll, type: 189lb (and hit space) 5'8" (and hit space) BMI (and hit space)
Insert Date and Time
This is an AutoHotKey script that will insert the system date and time into text at the stroke of a hotstring. The date is pasted in with "]d" and the date with time is pasted in with "]t"
Lab Signoff Script
This is a handy little AutoHotKey script, contributed by Peter Hutten-Czapski, that allows Windows users to quickly sign of normal lab reports. Run the script, then open your lab inbox. When acknowledging a normal lab hit CTRL +N. The script will sign off the lab, place the word "reviewed" in the comments field and close the window returning you to the lab inbox.
Check out AutoKey (for Linux users)
AutoKey is an open source macro editing program for Linux users, available for download from the Ubuntu Software Centre. It is a Python package with a GTK front end with similar functionality as AutoHotKey. AutoKey has a very nice graphical user interface that makes creating new text macros very easy. The configuration file can be backed up centrally in your eDocs folder, and shared from there to multiple Ubuntu computers. Your AutoKey configuration file is a .json formatted file, that you can find in your Home folder. Open your home folder, hit CTRL+H to reveal hidden folders, then navigate to: ~/.config/autokey/autokey.json
Text Expander (for Mac users)
If you are a Mac user, then you will have to buy Text Expander or a similar program, such as Typinator, SizzlingKeys, TypeIt4Me or QuickKeys to get this functionality.
Autokey time stamped SOAP template
This is a Linux Autokey stamped template that provides the time of the entry and a template for SOAP . To use cut and paste the text into a new Script and save with whatever trigger you want.
lbs to kg
A autokey script to demonstrate converting lbs. Just cut and paste into a new script window in Autokey and supply a easy to remember shortcut that triggers it, such as lb. The script searches for a number followed by lb and converts to kg.
body mass index
An autokey script that calculates bmi. Just cut and paste into a new script window in Autokey and supply a easy to remember shortcut that triggers it, such as bmi. The script will copy the entire text you are typing and search out the kg and cm entries. If found it will do the calculation and supply the result, otherwise it just expands bmi to body mass index
Keyboard Shortcuts for AutoHotkeys
From Gary Sandhu - I wrote the following autohotkey script to make typing a bit easier - less leaving the homekeys to navigate the cursor, backspace, etc. I've attached a JPG of the keyboard. My keyboard has the ctrl and capslock swapped and really needs to be in order for this script to be useful. Some instructions are in the ahk file. The ctrl+ key is used to access the keys in red, and the alt key is used to access the mouse scroll and click movements in blue (useful when going up and down the toilet roll progress notes in OSCAR).

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